Just me, in a library.
So upon returning from Spring Break, Oklahoma Christian University has proved to be relatively uneventful. Last week was WPA (women pay all) week, and boy let me tell you, I payed all. Monday was ice skating, Tuesday a movie, Wednesday frozen yogurt, Thursday a sock hop, and Friday was a Rwandan cultural night. When I say I payed all I actually mean everything was free except for the two sodas I bought at the sock hop. I also talked a big game and informed all those around I was about to "blow the week up" and "have a date every night." Both of those statements were false. I had a date two of the nights, and didn't even go to some of the events. So much for the potential explosion my week could have been.
In other news, if you ever need to write a really large amount of words in a short amount of time, come talk to me. I had a rough draft of a paper due this past Thursday, and I just waited, and waited, and waited to begin. It was due at 5:00 pm Thursday evening. Want to know what time I started? 1:00 pm Thursday afternoon, and I was done by 4:00! Granted, it was only six pages when I was aiming for ten, but hey, it was a rough draft! Get off my back.
Also, I caved. I downloaded the "instagram" application for the iPhone and am loving it! Just so you know, I will never give instagram credit hereafter for the photos I will take. I will save them to my phone and upload/tweet/print/publish the photos as my own creation with no outside help whatsoever. That is probably illegal, but who is counting! I mean arresting, I mean...
Here is some of my original artwork:
I call this one: Kendall Maddog Mayes
I call this: Karissa Teaching
Well there is my portfolio. Making it big, instagram style.
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