Friday, February 25, 2011

Inside Out

This blog is coming to you live from the DAH. (Which I'm not sure what DAH stands for, but it is the building in which my next class is contained within.)
looking fly as ever.
So, what does it say about the rest of your day if you start it out by putting your underwear on inside out? I happen to be victim to inside out underwear at this very moment. However, my day has been moderately nice. I made it to class, finished an annotated bibliography, and am going to spend this night doing fun things. Speaking of annotations, my research partner for my bible science and human values class is my good friend Thomas Smith. He actually hates me a lot, but we worked on the bibliography together. The plan was for him to send me his half this morning around 9:00 am and I would piece it together. I finished my half last night and sent it to him for him to review, and unknown to me, he pieced the bibliography together and turned it in. So there I was about 10:00 am in Chem Is Try, with no bibliography from Thomas. I was freaking out. I sent him a series of about 20 hateful text messages. I tried to call, but to no avail because his phone was off. At about 11:00 am I receive a call from him saying he had turned it in and then I felt like the biggest jerk in the world. So I sent him a series of parallel text messages all centered on the theme of love because of his wonderful ability to be a team player in our study of genetic engineering. 
Now I will include some photos of some events from the past few days of my life.
This is my latest purchase. It serves as a schoolclothes/sleepclothes hybrid
It has been lovely weather (apart from the past week) here in the OKC and I have enjoyed some park time with my pals.

Look who I met. His house once made all of his families meals if you know what I mean.
Just wanted to provide a closer of image of my hybrid clothing.
Well, I guess that is all.
K. Jack

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that I'm in almost every picture.
    I miss you so much already.
    Love you sista.
