Monday, November 8, 2010


This blog is coming to you live from All About Cha.
It is a distinctly asian coffee place. I am enjoying a green tea latte here in this photo. In front of me currently is this guy and girl maybe on a date. I can't really tell. Maybe they are pretending to be friends and ignoring their true feelings for one another. I would take a picture for you, but I am so close and they would definitely notice. The girl is laughing incessantly about the guys broken pinky or something. SUPER funny. This is how funny i think it is
So this past weekend was homecoming here at OC. I was surprisingly uninvolved. I suppose it was due to working with the musical (which was fantastic). I had grand plans of spending the weekend getting started on my 10 page research paper due Thursday, but guess who didn't do a diggity dang thing...this girl. No I take that back, I did homework, just did not do everything I probably could have done. Friday after the show myself and a few others went downtown to the OKC bombing memorial, and let me tell you, I love the bombing memorial. Here are some photos:
They are cuter than life.
I thought this photo (taken by yours truly) was kind of neat. 
So Saturday was consumed by a chorale performance and then some sleep and a bit of homework followed by another Millie performance and then a cast party. Sunday I woke up, did not attend church and slept until about noon. At that time I had to get up shower and go strike the Millie set and then I had a chorale performance at Edmond Church of Christ. So needless to say I was up until the wee hours of the morn' attempting to get all of my stuff done.
How are these people in front of my still having this conversation? It is so fluffy and devoid of any content. They are just swapping stories of breaking bones and others they know who have broken them. I mean, come on! I have not heard anything indicative of their respective views on life or maybe some important pressing matters. No exchange of thoughts or ideas, just mindless chatter. If I ever have a relationship it WILL NOT be fluffy. I will entertain my significant other with all kinds of thought provoking conversation. No, I will entertain everyone I speak to with intelligent conversation.
I'm also here downloading music because OC blocks it. Downloading now is
Dirty Projectors
The National
Bass Hunter
and some other stuff.
Keep it real my twelve followers (kind of like my 12 apostles)

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