This blog is coming to you live from my dorm room (for the third time in a row.)
That is potentially the worst picture of me in existence, but I have got to keep up the live photos you know what I mean?
So I just had a thought, or maybe we can even call it a realization, whatever-I had to write it down. Let me just preface this following statement by informing all of my readers that this is not a ploy for anything more than sheer enjoyment at the ridiculous nature of my "love life."
I put "love life" in quotations because it is something that floats above my reality, never actually becoming a part of it.
Anyhow, I have never really had guys "hit" on me. It's just something that I have been lucky enough to steer clear of. That statement, however comes with one exception. That exception is creepy Egyptian (well most of them are Egyptian) guys on Facebook. It's like I add one, I added all of them, and they all want me to come to Egypt and love them. Plausible? No. Desirable? Even less than the previous no. I just have not been censoring who I add as a friend as well as I should have, so now I get creepy comments and messages from people I don't even know. ( I had all of these screen shots of examples but I can't get them to load.) The strangest of all of the incidents happen on Facebook chat. I mean, why can't a normal species of the male persuasion approach me with words like "Hey, I saw you from across the room, and let me tell you girl, you have got it going on." How hard is that? I did get a Valentine tonight though. So there is that, yet this particular Valentine is more like a Friendtine.
Valentimes are the best times, I always say.
K. Jack